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  • more details 11-09-2024 Become a member to register to this event Reboot - Leading wi
    Reboot - Leading with impact in the AI era
    A conference by Murielle Machiels

    Murielle is the founder of QiLeader.  She is a Belgian entrepreneur, an academic director, an MBA teacher, a podcaster and a mom with big dreams. She is obsessed with transforming leadership for a better tomorrow. 

    Muriel was the CEO of a media company. She is now an entrepreneur and an academic Director at Solvay Buisness School 


    As the digital frontier expands, so does the role of AI in our leadership journey.

    This conference unveils how the rise of AI intensifies the need for new leadership habits to handle an ever-accelerating pace of change and a growing workload.  

    We'll delve into how the principles of thriving in fast-paced environments become even more crucial as AI reshapes our world.  

    Explore strategies to adapt and excel in an era where the speed of change is perpetually accelerating, and workloads are expanding.

    Learn how to navigate these challenges with an increased level of consciousness, maintain your distinct leadership identity, and effectively integrate AI advancements into your strategy for impactful leadership.

    This conference promises not just a review but an expansion of the concepts that have already transformed many leadership journeys. It’s a time to reconnect, reassess, and reinvigorate your approach to leadership in the AI era.





  • more details 26-06-2024 Mid-Year Event foll
    Mid-Year Event followed by a BBQ

    Networking, outdoor walk and storytelling around Lac de Genval: the Belgian Côte d'Azur

    By Jan Puype, the Storywalker

    Did you know that the Côte d'Azur is located just below Brussels? For a long time, the Lac de Genval was the place to be for all that was chic and mondaine. The arrival of the train triggered the metamorphosis. A walk past jewels of houses and a beautiful lake. For lovers of architecture, history and culture.

    The walk lasts  about 1,5 hour (5 km) and will be followed by a barbecue.

    Sun is ordered !


    How :

    35 € per person. This includes 1 glass (cava, wine or soft) aperitive, the BBQ + 1 glass of wine or soft , and a dessert to be paid  directly to the restaurant.  Additional beverage will be charged individually.

    Please register here now or by June 14th  2024 at the latest

    Should you not be available, please let us know here -I can not come


  • more details 22-05-2024 How to build on the
    How to build on the assets of neurodivergent individuals in the workplace

    a conferenceby  Dr Charlotte Reidberger


    Doctor in Psychology and Philosophy, Neuropsychoanalyst/Archanalyst, Coach for Managers and for Neurodivergent people, Consultant in Neurodiversity & Work integration, International Speaker & Trainer


    Introduction: Neurodiversity, definition and evolution of the concept; distribution of neurodivergence.

    1. Understanding High Intellectual Potential (HPI): Intelligence tests, IQ, and different forms of intelligence according to Gardner; specifics of HPI (exceptional skillsets and possible challenges); reflection on environments and types of activities that best suit HPI depending on personality profiles, enabling them to contribute their utmost to companies.
    2.  Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Dyslexia family; executive functions; different forms of ADHD (exceptional skillsets and possible challenges); reflection on environments and types of activities that best suit individuals with ADHD, enabling them to contribute their utmost to companies.
    3. Understanding Dyslexia: Specifics (exceptional skillsets and possible challenges); reflection on environments and types of activities that best suit dyslexics, enabling them to contribute their utmost to companies.
    4. Understanding High-Functioning Autism: Specifics (exceptional skillsets and possible challenges); reflection on environments and types of activities that best suit individuals with high-functioning autism, facilitate seamless professional integration, enabling them to contribute their utmost to companies.
  • more details 26-03-2024 Unconscious injunct
    Unconscious injunctions that shape our behaviour as women

    “Be perfect”  “Be strong”  “Be kind”  “Try hard”  “Hurry up”

    We all grew up surrounded by injunctions…..

    Throughout her coaching sessions with women from different backgrounds, Virginie realised that some of these injunctions can become a real obstacle to the development of women in their professional and personal lives.

    So what are the most deeply rooted injunctions among women?

    And what are the consequences?

    In this talk, we will explore each injunction and discover how to break free from them.

    Virginie Jullien is a Member of NeHRa.  She has spent 13 years of her career in consulting as Senior Executive at Deloitte, leading teams on major transformation projects for various private and public companies, both nationally and internationally. She now supports professionals through coaching to develop their leadership skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

    When :

    Tuesday 26th of March 2024 from 6.30 pm till 9 pm. Welcome as from 6pm

     Where :

    Institute of NeuroCognitivism -81 av de Tearvuren -1040 Brussels

    Access by public transport (Metro Montgomery – Busses 27-61-80 -Tram 81)

     How :

    20€ per person.

    Please register  HERE now or by March 19th   at the latest , 2024

  • more details 08-02-2024 Navigating pre and
    Navigating pre and post Orange -VOO merger & acquisition deal as a CPO

    In June 2023, Orange Belgium announced the  acquisition of a 75% stake minus 1 share in telco operator, VOO SA. The closing of this deal will give Orange Belgium  "the industrial power, tech means and commercial scale to accelerate and lead the Future of the Belgian telco market in the interest of all consumers, employees and society in general" as quoted by its CEO Xavier Pichon.

    Behind this announcement lie months of intense work at all levels. The success of an M&A operation depends largely on the human factor. Jelle Jacquet has been involved in this process from the very beginning. She will share with us her experience as a person, as a HR and as Chief People Officer.


    6 pm            Welcome drink

    6.30 pm        Conference and Q&A

    8  pm            Networking walking dinner

    9  pm            THE END

  • more details 18-12-2023 NeHRa Christmas dinn
    NeHRa Christmas dinner 18-12-23

    You are cordially invited to our NeHRa Christmas dinner !

    Holidays are time to say thank you for all your hard work and great motivation you shared with our NeHRa events this past year – and share joy about the upcoming new agenda for NeHRa 2024.

    It will also be a special occasion to welcome our new members!


    Please register here by November 30th 

    Menu :

    Starter: Bruschettone di pomodoro al basilico (alternative gluten free -fettina di prosciutto e melanzane alla piastre )

    Main course to share from the dish placed in the center of the table:

    • Risotto al vino rosso con radicchio, gorgonzola e noci
    • Orecchiette fresche con sbriciolata di salsiccia e zucca

    Dessert:  Tiramisù il classico, e panna cotta ai frutti rossi


    • 1 bottiglia di vino (Terrano Spadafora IGT Calabria) per 4 persone
    • 25cl eaux (plate au pétillantes) or 1 soft au choix

    How: 27,50€ per person (you can pay directly in the restaurant, including any additional extra you might have ordered ) 


  • more details 21-09-2023 Polarity Management:
    Polarity Management: Solving complex problems.

    This NeHRa event welcomes all gender identities: all your HR colleagues are invited : make them come !

    Polarity Management: Solving complex problems.

    Autonomy or security? Health or productivity? Centralized or decentralized? Rest or exercise? Collaboration or competition? Stabilize or transform? Family or Career?


    Some of the problems we face can be solved, some cannot!

    Polarities are opposed poles that cannot correctly function independently from each other.

    Since both sides of a polarity are interdependent, one cannot be determined as THE solution while the other is neglected.

    No matter what they are, polarities are unavoidable as they live in us

    Valérie Brignone, former SVP Learning & Development at Accor is – among others- certified in the P.A.C.T (Polarity Approach to Continuity and Transformation) by Barry Johnson.  She now helps leaders and companies with their transformations, developing  autonomy and collective intelligence.

    Valérie will lead us through the process of identifying the benefits of polarities in an operational approach from concrete cases.


    When :

    Thursday 21st of September 6.30 pm till 9 pm. Welcome as from 6pm A networking walking dinner will be served after the conference.

    Where :

    Sodexo, Bd de la Plaine, 15 - 1050 Bruxelles

    Parking facilities in the building as from 6pm for our guests.

    How :

    20€ per person. To be paid in cash of by money transfer on the day. 


    Please register Here

  • more details 19-04-2023 L’intelligence ada
    L’intelligence adaptative : 6 clés pour booster le potentiel de notre cerveau

    Why is Adaptative Intelligence so important today?
    It is the form of intelligence that is fluid and adapted to manage change, unusual situations in a VUCA environment: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

    What is Adaptive Intelligence?
    Adaptive Intelligence is the ability to easily mobilise the most appropriate brain resources  to adapt calmly to complex, unknown and uncontrolled situations. It translates into an open, creative, assertive and empathetic state of mind. It supports the development of behavioural and psychosocial skills, also known as "soft skills".

    How to use it better?
    At any age, it is possible to learn how to develop this Adaptive Intelligence thanks to the neuroplasticity
    of the brain. The NeuroCognitive and Behavioural Approach (NCA) has created specific techniques
    from neuroscience and cognitive science to develop it.


    Pierre Moorkens, is visionary leader born in a Belgian family of entrepreneurs. He has continued the family tradition by creating several large and successful companies.

    His meeting in 1990 with Jacques Fradin, Doctor of Medicine, behaviourist and cognitivist, founder of the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IME) in Paris, enabled him to discover the power  of the Neurocognitive and Behavioural Approach (NBA).Pierre Moorkens left the management of his companies to pursue the societal development of the NBA  He is the founder of the Institute of NeuroCognitivism.


    20€ per person.

    We care for the catering for all registered NeHRa members.

    Members that are unable to attend the activity are kindly requested to email the organizer via NeHRa-webside or directly as soon as possible and in any event 48h prior to the activity for cancelling catering and logistics



  • more details 28-03-2023 Connecting with NeH
    Connecting with NeHRa

    NeHRa is about networking. The purpose of NeHra is to connect and share. This what we will do on 28 of March

    Want to get to know each other?

    Discover other HR professionals, areas you are less familiar with and connect with the NeHRa network? Learn a new way to  connect

    Come and take part in this innovative evening !

    This activity is organised by two of our new members Marie Auquier and Christelle Cikin.

    Have  a look to the teaser they posted on NeHRa’s LinkedIn group: here


    What :

    Connect and share with NeHRa’s members

    When :

    Tuesday 28th of March, 6.30 pm till 9 pm

    Where :

    Institute NeuroCognitivism (INC)

    81 av de Tervuren

    1040 Bruxelles

    How :

    20€ per person

     Register here




    6.30-7.00         Welcome drink 

    7.00- 8.15         Getting to know each others

    8.15- 9.15         Informal networking dinner


  • more details 24-01-2023 The Boost method or
    The Boost method or how to make sure to enjoy full energy all day

    “The BOOST method, or how to make sure to enjoy 50 spoons of energy?” presented by Anne Everard, the author of ‘Le Guide du burn-out’ and ‘BOOST Yourself’.



    Many people are feeling more stressed, more tired, less focus, sometimes less motivated. But this is no virus. It has all to do with our body and soul. Anne Everard will share with us her best tips and tricks to be physically and mentally fit in 2023.

     How to measure our level of energy with the theory of the 50 spoons of energy? How to choose what changes will make a huge difference in our level of energy? The BOOST method will get you started and keep you going.

    To start the new year with the right tools, you will receive BOOST. A funny and illustrated practical guide available in English, French and Dutch.

    This event is open to your male HR colleagues & friends.  Please do invite them !

    Registration  HERE !

    6.30-7.00         Welcome drink 

    7.00- 8.15         Conference & Q&A

    8.15- 9.15         Informal networking dinner


    We will ask a contribution to the costs of 20€ per person


  • more details 12-12-2022 “ How to lead when
    “ How to lead when you are feeling negative yourself?“


    Dear NeHRa Member,

    We know this is short notice.  But this is an unexpected occasion. Shall we make it? Organizing within 1week and meet on Dec 12th depends on YOU.  Do you take the challenge? 

    For the last time, Marie Pierre Saint Viteux  will host NeHRa at Volvo with a very interesting topic


    “ How to lead when you are feeling negative yourself?“ presented by Tiffany Cheng, founder of Inspire My Day, and former Vice President of Communication at Volvo CE and Atlas Copco

     No matter how much we like our jobs, we all have bad days. 

    It can happen for a lot of reasons — Your company made reorganizational changes that impacted you and your team; your manager's expectation is difficult to meet, you doubt yourself; you are asked to lead a change you don't believe in it yourself, or your personal life is going through a tough time.

    Here is the tricky part about situations like this, you are feeling negative and stressed, but people who work for you are still looking up to you and need your guidance.

    So how do you lead when you are feeling negative?

    Tiffany Cheng, will share the steps on how she helped herself to lead when she wasn’t well internally.

    The session will be highly interactive, you will be invited to share your stories and learnings on how you did it.


    6.30-7pm       Welcome drink and snacks

    7.00-8.25       Conference & Q&A

    8.15- 9.15       Informal networking dinner


    How ?

    We need to gather a minimum of 20 NeHRa members  if the number is not met the venue will not take place.

    Interested? Available? Please register here  with no delay and by Wednesday 7th at the latest.